Organization Development

Developing a business reality means managing changes in key aspects of a business (organization & teamwork, production, research & development, communication) from a strategic perspective.

After years of hands-on experience, UnaRes professionals offer their experience and their modern and enthusiastic vision for change management.

By supporting the Client in the field we give a significant contribution to identifying the steps of possible and convenient change, to designing the path and finally for practical support in business improvement.


Effective Governance is the key to an organization that knows how to delegate executive responsibilities to its management in order to transform Business Strategy into reality.
Companies often experience considerable difficulties in making the “right choice” or fail to find an alternative that works well in the time to act. This is often due to excessively centralized decision-making or on the other hand because of a bureaucratic proliferation of relevant committees with the right to veto.
The experience gained by UnaRes professionals both with companies operating at a local level, and with market leader multinational corporations, enables us to understand and support the needs and the dynamics of the Customer in this sensitive aspect of running the business.


Project and Program Management

Plan and manage, never one without the other…
UnaRes proposes a successful Project Management and Program Management service both in the form of a support consultancy, and by providing a certified project management PMP ® service. Thanks to experience gained internationally, we are able to modulate our advice from the most rigid dictates of the Project Management Institute to the more flexible and modern Lean and Agile Management, with the aim of guaranteeing the most suitable approach to the actual situation for the Customer.


Change Management

We help companies and managers during their development. We make our expertise available in order to facilitate the change process from the identification of a shared strategic vision to the definition of a path of change which is compatible with tangible market opportunities.


Team Leadership

Tackling various work situations with leadership makes all the difference in the achievement of objectives. The determined optimism that enables ambitious goals works when it is a Team characteristic and not that of an individual. We have the experience necessary to ensure that a manager knows how to transfer not just his vision, but also his leadership by sharing it with all his Team, through responsible delegation processes that are effective for achieving short-term objectives and essential for the growth of company human resources.


Quality Management

UnaRes supports your company in understanding business processes, in optimizing them and especially in managing the connections between them, together with an accurate definition of roles and responsibilities by the players in these processes.
This translates into business procedures which constitute the starting point for developing a corporate culture by all employees and for a confrontation that leads to improvement.


Communication Management & Business Development

Controlling communication means ensuring consistency in messages sent to the market, in order to make them attractive and timely and to produce the desired competitive advantage.
UnaRes accompanies the Customer in the company’s image management and its top managerial roles. This result is achieved by setting up communication campaigns inspired by actual strategic objectives with solutions ranging from drafts for traditional media spaces, up to new and social media.
To complete the 360° strategic vision, UnaRes provides its expertise in the delicate handling of relations with local, national and international institutions.
UnaRes is also able to organize both local and international specific events, taking care also of all logistics and media relations inherent to the event itself.